P03. Introduction to ggplot

Part 1: single outbreak

Consider an SIR model. A CSV file has been provided for each of the three populations in the model: S - susceptible, I - infectious, R - recovered. The model used to simulate the disease is

f_sir <- function(time, state, parameters) {
    with(as.list(c(state, parameters)), {
        infections  <- beta*S*I
        deaths      <- gamma*I
        dS <- -infections 
        dI <-  infections - deaths
        dR <-               deaths
        return(list(c(dS, dI, dR)))

where beta is the transmission rate (per person, per day) and gamma is the recovery rate (by day). This practical is only for plotting - so you don’t necessarily need to fully understand this function in order to move on.

Preparing data for plotting

a) Load the relevant packages and read in the CSV file

The CSV file may be downloaded from here.


all_dat <- read_csv("beta_1.56756_gamma_0.36508.csv")

should return four columns: | time | S | I | R |

all_dat_long <- pivot_longer(all_dat, 
                             cols = c(S, I, R),
                             names_to = "state",
                             values_to = "proportion")


should return three columns: | time | state (key) | proportion (value) |

Plotting reshaped data

b) With your long data frame, make a plot that shows how the proportion of the population in each state changes over time.

Use the line geometry and color each line by state. You might find the following link useful https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/index.html

ggplot(data = all_dat_long, 
       aes(x = time,
           y = proportion)) +
    geom_line(aes(color = <YOUR CODE HERE>)) 

c) Modify the levels of the state variable to be in S,I,R order rather than in alphabetical order.

Copy and paste the code from the previous plot and re-run it to see how the ordering of the states has changed

all_dat_long$state <- factor(all_dat_long$state,
                             levels = c("S", "I", "R"))

plot_SIR <- ggplot(data = all_dat_long, 
                   aes(<YOUR CODE HERE>) +
                geom_line(<YOUR CODE HERE>) 


d) Add labels to the x and y axes, change to theme_bw() and set the position of the legend to be at the bottom of the plot

plot_SIR + 
    theme_bw() + 
    xlab("<YOUR CODE HERE>") + 
    ylab("<YOUR CODE HERE>") +
    theme(legend.position = "bottom") 

e) Instead of colour, use small multiples to show how each state changes over time

plot_SIR_faceted <- ggplot(data = all_dat_long,
       aes(x = time,
           y = proportion)) +
    geom_line() + 
    theme_bw() + 
    xlab("Time (days)") + 
    ylab("Population proportion") +
    facet_wrap(facets = vars(state)) 


Part 2: 100 outbreaks

We are still considering an outbreak of a disease with S, I, and R. But this time, we are working with 100 simulations. This time, the file you are going to work with can be downloaded here.

Preparing data for plotting

a) Read in the 100 simulation data set

all_dat_100 <- read_csv("100_simulations_wide.csv")

should return five columns: | sim | time | S | I | R |

all_dat_100_long <- pivot_longer(all_dat_100, 
                                 cols = <YOUR CODE HERE>,
                                 names_to = <YOUR CODE HERE>,
                                 values_to = <YOUR CODE HERE>)
all_dat_100_long$state <- <YOUR CODE HERE> 

should return four columns: | sim | time | state (key) | proportion (value) |

b) Plot all 100 simulations from the SIR model

Hint: you will need to use the group aesthetic with your line and may choose to set the lines to be semi-transparent. Use faceting (small multiples) to show each state in its own subplot; faceting will be easier in all plots from this point on than colouring by state.

ggplot(data = all_dat_100_long,
       aes(x = time, 
           y = proportion)) +
    geom_line(aes(group = sim), alpha = 0.05) +
    theme_bw() + 
    facet_grid(<YOUR CODE HERE>) +
    xlab("Time(days)") +
    ylab("Proportion of population")

Calculating summary statistics

c) Use the group_by() function to tell R that we want to calculate summary statistics for each state at each time

all_dat_100_long_grouped <- group_by(all_dat_100_long, state, time) 

should return four columns: | sim | time | state (key) | proportion (value) |

should also let you know there are 303 groups

d) Use the summarise function to calculate the median and 95% interval for each state at each time point.

You will need to calculate all three summary statistics separately, and will do so within the same summarise()

all_dat_100_long_summarised <- 
              q0.025 = quantile(proportion, probs = 0.025),
              q0.500 = quantile(proportion, probs = 0.5),
              q0.975 = quantile(proportion, probs = 0.975))

e) Use geom_ribbon to plot the 95% interval and geom_line to plot the median for each state.

For its aesthetics, geom_ribbon requires a ymin and ymax and can be coloured and filled and made semi-transparent. Ensure you label the axes appropriately.

ggplot(data = all_dat_100_long_summarised,
       aes(x = time)) +
    geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = q0.025,  # lower edge of ribbon
                    ymax = q0.975), # upper edge of ribbon
                alpha = 0.5,   # make semi-transparent
                fill = "lightskyblue", # fill blue
                color = NA) +     # no border color
    geom_line(aes(y = q0.500)) +       # line for median
    facet_grid(cols = vars(state)) +
    theme_bw() +               # nicer theme
    xlab("Time (days)") +      # human friendly axis label
    ylab("Population")        # human friendly axis label

f) If you have time left, you may wish to investigate visualising all 100 simulations, colouring by state, as before, and faceting by simulation

ggplot(data = all_dat_100_long,
       aes(x = time)) +
    geom_line(aes(y = proportion, color = state)) +
    facet_wrap(facets = vars(sim)) +
    theme_bw() +               # nicer theme
    xlab("Time (days)") +      # human friendly axis label
    ylab("Population") +       # human friendly axis label
    theme(legend.position = "bottom")

g) Discuss whether you think faceting by state or simulation gives a clearer understanding of how the simulations vary

Solutions can be accessed here.