CMMID COVID-19 working group
Different members of CMMID are currently working or have worked on Covid-19.
The CMMID COVID-19 working group consists of the following members:
- Adam J Kucharski (@adamjkucharski)
- Sebastian Funk (@sbfnk)
- Rosalind M Eggo (@rozeggo)
- Petra Klepac (@petrakle)
- Mark Jit
- W John Edmunds
- Amy Gimma (@amyg225)
- Stefan Flasche (@StfnFlsch)
- Billy J Quilty (@BQuilty)
- Sam Clifford (@samclifford)
- Sam Abbott (@seabbs)
- James D Munday (@JDMunday)
- Nikos I Bosse (@ftargument)
- Joel Hellewell
- Hamish Gibbs
- Yang Liu (@yangliubeijing)
- Nicholas Davies (@_nickdavies)
- Charlie Diamond
- Timothy W Russell (@realtimothyruss)
- Christopher I Jarvis (@jarvis_stats)
- Kevin van Zandvoort (@kevinvzandvoort)
- Fiona Sun (@yueqianfionasun)
- Alicia Rosello (@rmjlros)
- Carl A.B. Pearson (@cap1024)
- Kiesha Prem (@kiesha_prem)
- Thibaut Jombart (@teebzR)
- Graham Medley (@GrahamMedley)
- Emily S Nightingale
- Rein M G J Houben
- Jon C Emery
- Gwen Knight (@gmknght)
- Kathleen O'Reilly (@kathmoreilly)
- Megan Auzenbergs
- Akira Endo (@_akiraendo)
- Arminder K Deol (@Arminder_)
- Simon R Procter (@mert0248)
- Quentin Leclerc (@QuentinLclrc)
- Stéphane Hué
- Julian Villabona-Arenas (@chjulian)
- Damien C Tully
- Katherine E Atkins (@katito)
- Eleanor M Rees (@EleanorMRees)
- Sophie R Meakin
- Anna Foss
- Rachel Lowe (@drrachellowe)
- David Simons (@David_Simons_UK)
- Georgia R Gore-Langton
- Matthew Quaife (@matthew_quaife)
- Yung-Wai Desmond Chan
- Rosanna C Barnard (@BarnardResearch)
- Frank G Sandmann
- Kaja Abbas
- David Hodgson