P01. Introduction to R, part 3

A. Read in the same data as before

This file can be downloaded from here.

myTBdata <- read.table("TB_stats.txt", header=TRUE)

B. Plot the mortality in HIV negative against HIV positive check the plot function help file


plot is a generic function, and depending on what type of data you pass the function R will use different sub-functions (you dont need to worry about how it handles this!).

# make the plot
plot(x=myTBdata$HIV_neg_TB_mortality, y=myTBdata$HIV_pos_TB_mortality)

C. Add meaningful axes labels

     xlab="Mortality in HIV negative people",
     ylab="Mortality in HIV positive people")

D. Add a meaningful title

     xlab="Mortality in HIV negative people",
     ylab="Mortality in HIV positive people",
     main="Comparison of mortality in HIV negative and positive")

E. Change the colour of the points to red

     xlab="Mortality in HIV negative people",
     ylab="Mortality in HIV positive people",
     main="Comparison of mortality in HIV negative and positive",

F. It’s hard to see the numbers because some are small and some very large Using a log scale is useful for that.You can either log the values and re-plot, or use the log option in plot()

     xlab="Mortality in HIV negative people",
     ylab="Mortality in HIV positive people",
     main="Comparison of mortality in HIV negative and positive",

G. Now let’s make a different kind of plot Show the distribution of Total_TB_mortality in a histogram and then change the x axis label. Note, same options as before.



Now add a meaningful title to the plot

# Add your code here

H. Check what other aspects of the histogram you can change


Then change the color to “blue” in the last plot

     main="Total TB mortality",

I. Now let’s plot a histogram of mortality per 1000

Hint: calculate it as in the previous practical

# Add your code here

And add a title, and x axis label

# Add your code here

change the color to something different hint: to find more colours, run “colors()” or google “Colors in R”

# Add your code here

J. Now let’s show both histograms at the same time you need to make a call to “par”, short for parameters, setting the plot parameter “mfrow” (Multi-Figure ROW-wise) gives 1 row, and 2 columns of plot

     main="Total TB mortality",

cut and paste your plot code from I. here and run it. Then resize the plot window and see what happens

K. Export the figure and save it as a PNG with a useful name

Hint: use the Export button in the plot window

L. R has functions for every kind of plot for example:


and stackoverflow.com has a lot of comments and help on every kind of plot

Advanced plotting exercises
Make a plot where:

# Add your code here

add HIV_neg_TB_mortality on the same y axis, in a different colour.

Hint: use points(). see ?points for information

# Add your code here

do you need to change the y axis label? i.e. does it still make sense now that it shows negative and positive mortality?


Some of the points no longer fit on the graph. Why is this? You need to alter the y limit (ylim), which is an option of plot. What value will you choose?

Hint: the maximum value that the data go to change the ylim of the plot.

# Add your code here

The plot now has 2 data sets in different colours, so it needs a legend check the help of legend (there’s a lot of options!)

Hint: use x=“topright” instead of setting the x and y values for location.

Hint: use the option “fill” to change the colours

# Add your code here

The solutions can be accessed here.