Temporal variation in transmission during the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy

Status: In Progress | First online: 17-03-2020 | Last update: 04-04-2020

This study has not yet been peer reviewed.

* This analysis is now archived, please visit the updated version.

updated: 2020-04-04

Note: this is preliminary analysis, has not yet been peer-reviewed and is updated daily as new data becomes available. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. A summary of this report can be downloaded here


Aim: To identify changes in the reproduction number, rate of spread, and doubling time during the course of the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy whilst accounting for potential biases due to delays in case reporting.

Latest estimates as of the 2020-03-19

Region map

Figure 1: Regional map of the expected change in daily cases based on data from the 2020-03-19.

Summary of latest reproduction number and case count estimates

Figure 2: Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation and the time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number (bar = 95% credible interval) based on data from the 2020-03-19. Regions are ordered by the number of expected daily cases and shaded based on the expected change in daily cases. The dotted line indicates the target value of 1 for the effective reproduction no. required for control and a single case required fror elimination.

Reproduction numbers over time in the 5 regions with the most cases currently and nationally

Figure 3: Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number (light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range) based on data from the 2020-03-19 in the regions expected to have the highest number of incident cases. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence. The dotted line indicates the target value of 1 for the effective reproduction no. required for control.

Latest estimates summary table

Country/Region Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation Expected change in daily cases Effective reproduction no. Doubling time (days)
Lombardia 971 – 3968 Increasing 1.1 – 1.7 6.1 – Cases decreasing
Emilia Romagna 291 – 1206 Increasing 1.3 – 2.1 4.1 – Cases decreasing
Piemonte 274 – 1094 Increasing 1.5 – 3.1 2.3 – 9.5
Veneto 123 – 481 Increasing 1.1 – 1.8 5.6 – Cases decreasing
Campania 73 – 394 Increasing 1.5 – 2.9 2.8 – 27
Liguria 68 – 347 Increasing 1.2 – 2.3 4 – Cases decreasing
Marche 73 – 316 Increasing 1.1 – 1.8 5.7 – Cases decreasing
Friuli Venezia Giulia 50 – 286 Increasing 1.3 – 2.4 2.6 – Cases decreasing
Toscana 60 – 284 Increasing 1.2 – 2.3 3.3 – Cases decreasing
Trentino-Alto Adige 47 – 271 Increasing 1.1 – 2.1 2.4 – Cases decreasing
Abruzzo 47 – 253 Increasing 1.6 – 3.5 2.2 – 7.2
Puglia 36 – 194 Increasing 1.4 – 2.8 1.9 – Cases decreasing
Lazio 40 – 191 Increasing 1.2 – 2.2 3.4 – Cases decreasing
Umbria 29 – 181 Increasing 1.5 – 3.3 2 – 76
Sardegna 25 – 158 Increasing 1.6 – 4 1.6 – Cases decreasing
P.A. Trento 23 – 141 Increasing 1 – 2 2.6 – Cases decreasing
P.A. Bolzano 18 – 134 Increasing 1.2 – 2.6 2.7 – Cases decreasing
Sicilia 19 – 126 Increasing 1.3 – 2.4 3.2 – 27
Valle d’Aosta 16 – 109 Increasing 1.5 – 4 2.1 – Cases decreasing
Calabria 12 – 92 Increasing 1.3 – 3 2.1 – 46
Molise 5 – 51 Increasing 1.9 – 7 0.19 – Cases decreasing
Basilicata 2 – 34 Increasing 1.6 – 5.3 0.15 – Cases decreasing

Table 1: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the effective reproduction number, and the doubling time for the 2020-03-19 in each region included in the analysis. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.



  • Case counts by date, stratified by region, were constructed from daily datasets made publically available by the Dipartimento della Protezione Civile [1,2].
  • Case onset dates were estimated using case counts by date of report and a distribution of reporting delays fitted to a European line-list.
  • Censoring of cases was adjusted for by assuming that the number of cases is drawn from a binomial distribution.
  • Time-varying effective reproduction estimates were made with a 7-day sliding window using EpiEstim [3,4] adjusted for imported cases and assuming an uncertain serial interval with a mean of 4.7 days (95% CrI: 3.7, 6.0) and a standard deviation of 2.9 days (95% CrI: 1.9, 4.9) [5].
  • Time-varying estimates of the doubling time were made with a 7-day sliding window by iteratively fitting an exponential regression model.
  • The methods in this report are based on our previous study of the global temporal variation during the COVID-19 outbreak [6].


  • The estimated onset dates are based on current European data for the delay in reporting and are mostly from the beginning of the outbreak. This means that these data may not be representative of the underlying delay distribution.
  • The estimate of not-yet-confirmed cases to scale up recent numbers is uncertain and relies on the observed delays to confirmation to remain constant over the course of the outbreak.
  • All data used is at a national/regional level; diagnostic capabilities may vary in different parts of each region, adding uncertainty to the reported numbers. The true number of infections reflected in a given number of confirmed cases probably varies substantially geographically.
  • Trends identified using our approach are robust to under-reporting assuming it is constant but absolute values may be biased by reporting rates. Pronouced changes in reporting rates may also impact the trends identified.
  • Data on imported cases was not available (either international imports or between region imports).
  • As our estimates are made at the date of symptom onset any changes in the time-varying parameters will be delayed by the incubation period.



We used a European line-list that contained the date of symptom onset, date of confirmation and import status (imported or local) for each case [2,7] where available. Daily case counts by date of report and region were extracted from daily datasets made publically available by the Dipartimento della Protezione Civile [1,2].

Statistical analysis

We used the same approach as in our previous global study of the temporal variation in transmission during the COVID-19 outbreak [6]. However, due to a limited line-list of Italian cases we used a combined linelist of cases from Germany, France, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Spain to estimate the report delay. We could also not account for imported cases (either international or between region) due to a shortage of data. Code and results from this analysis can be found here and here.

Regional reports



Figure 4: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 971 – 3968
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.1 – 1.7
Rate of spread -0.026 – 0.11
Doubling time (days) 6.1 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.16 – 0.89

Table 3: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 5: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details

Emilia Romagna


Figure 7: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 291 – 1206
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.3 – 2.1
Rate of spread -0.012 – 0.17
Doubling time (days) 4.1 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.14 – 0.97

Table 4: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 8: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



Figure 10: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 274 – 1094
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.5 – 3.1
Rate of spread 0.073 – 0.31
Doubling time (days) 2.3 – 9.5
Adjusted R-squared 0.4 – 0.98

Table 5: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 11: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



Figure 13: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 123 – 481
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.1 – 1.8
Rate of spread -0.14 – 0.12
Doubling time (days) 5.6 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.24 – 0.6

Table 6: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 14: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



Figure 16: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 73 – 394
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.5 – 2.9
Rate of spread 0.026 – 0.25
Doubling time (days) 2.8 – 27
Adjusted R-squared 0.04 – 0.94

Table 7: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 17: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



Figure 19: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 68 – 347
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.2 – 2.3
Rate of spread -0.031 – 0.17
Doubling time (days) 4 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.16 – 0.93

Table 8: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 20: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



Figure 22: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 73 – 316
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.1 – 1.8
Rate of spread -0.1 – 0.12
Doubling time (days) 5.7 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.24 – 0.7

Table 9: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 23: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details

Friuli Venezia Giulia


Figure 25: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 50 – 286
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.3 – 2.4
Rate of spread -0.044 – 0.27
Doubling time (days) 2.6 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.15 – 0.75

Table 10: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 26: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



Figure 28: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 60 – 284
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.2 – 2.3
Rate of spread -0.022 – 0.21
Doubling time (days) 3.3 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.14 – 0.97

Table 11: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 29: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details

Trentino-Alto Adige


Figure 31: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 47 – 271
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.1 – 2.1
Rate of spread -0.046 – 0.29
Doubling time (days) 2.4 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.16 – 0.95

Table 12: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 32: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



Figure 34: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 47 – 253
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.6 – 3.5
Rate of spread 0.096 – 0.32
Doubling time (days) 2.2 – 7.2
Adjusted R-squared 0.44 – 0.95

Table 13: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 35: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



Figure 37: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 36 – 194
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.4 – 2.8
Rate of spread -0.086 – 0.37
Doubling time (days) 1.9 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.25 – 0.89

Table 14: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 38: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



Figure 40: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 40 – 191
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.2 – 2.2
Rate of spread -0.074 – 0.2
Doubling time (days) 3.4 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.2 – 0.93

Table 15: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 41: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



Figure 43: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 29 – 181
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.5 – 3.3
Rate of spread 0.0091 – 0.35
Doubling time (days) 2 – 76
Adjusted R-squared -0.067 – 0.94

Table 16: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 44: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



Figure 46: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 25 – 158
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.6 – 4
Rate of spread -0.015 – 0.45
Doubling time (days) 1.6 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.11 – 0.9

Table 17: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 47: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details

P.a. Trento


Figure 49: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 23 – 141
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1 – 2
Rate of spread -0.16 – 0.27
Doubling time (days) 2.6 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.17 – 0.87

Table 18: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 50: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details

P.a. Bolzano


Figure 52: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 18 – 134
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.2 – 2.6
Rate of spread -0.047 – 0.25
Doubling time (days) 2.7 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.17 – 0.94

Table 19: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 53: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



Figure 55: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 19 – 126
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.3 – 2.4
Rate of spread 0.026 – 0.22
Doubling time (days) 3.2 – 27
Adjusted R-squared 0.13 – 0.94

Table 20: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 56: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details

Valle D’aosta


Figure 58: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 16 – 109
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.5 – 4
Rate of spread -0.087 – 0.34
Doubling time (days) 2.1 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.23 – 0.93

Table 21: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 59: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



Figure 61: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 12 – 92
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.3 – 3
Rate of spread 0.015 – 0.33
Doubling time (days) 2.1 – 46
Adjusted R-squared -0.00068 – 0.95

Table 22: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 62: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



Figure 64: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 5 – 51
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.9 – 7
Rate of spread -0.88 – 3.7
Doubling time (days) 0.19 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.17 – 0.93

Table 23: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 65: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



Figure 67: A.) Cases by date of report (bars) and estimated cases by date of onset. B.) Time-varying estimate of the effective reproduction number. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval. Dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Cases with date of onset on the day of report generation 2 – 34
Expected change in daily cases Increasing
Effective reproduction no. 1.6 – 5.3
Rate of spread -1.3 – 4.6
Doubling time (days) 0.15 – Cases decreasing
Adjusted R-squared -0.17 – 0.88

Table 24: Latest estimates of the number of cases by date of onset, the expected change in daily cases, the effective reproduction number, the rate of spread, the doubling time, and the adjusted R-squared of the exponential fit for the 2020-03-19. Based on the last 7 days of data. The 95% credible interval is shown for each numeric estimate.

Time-varying rate of spread and doubling time

Figure 68: A.) Time-varying estimate of the rate of spread, B.) Time-varying estimate of the doubling time in days (note that when the rate of spread is negative the doubling time is assumed to be infinite), C.) The adjusted R-squared estimates indicating the goodness of fit of the exponential regression model (with values closer to 1 indicating a better fit). Based on data from the 2020-03-19. Light grey ribbon = 95% credible interval; dark grey ribbon = the interquartile range. Confidence in the estimated values is indicated by shading with reduced shading corresponding to reduced confidence.

Implementation details



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